

Din engleza medie plucken, plukken, plockien, care provine din engleza veche pluccian, ploccian și plyċċan din engleza veche < proto-germanică *plukkōnan, *plukkijanan care este de origine necunoscută.



Conjugarea verbului
to pluck
Infinitiv to pluck
Prezent simplu
pers. 3 sg.
Trecut simplu plucked
Participiu trecut plucked
Participiu prezent plucking
  1. a scoate (brusc), a trage
    She plucked the phone from her bag and dialled.
  2. (muz.) a ciupi (coardele)
    Whereas a piano strikes the string, a harpsichord plucks it.
  3. a smulge, a jumuli (o pasăre)
    John, don't forget to pluck the goose and take it to the kitchen.
  4. a jefui, a prăda, a jecmăni
    The horny highwayman plucked his victims to their underwear, or attractive ones all the way.


Cuvinte derivate


pluck, (nenumărabil)

  1. smulgere, jumulire
    Those tiny birds are hardly worth the tedious pluck.
  2. (gastr.) măruntaie de pasăre
  3. (fig.) temeritate, insolență, perseverență, cutezanță
    He didn't get far with the attempt, but you have to admire his pluck.


Cuvinte derivate
